SEQTA Engage for Parents
SEQTA Engage is a powerful tool for parents to have an overview of their child’s learning and assessments. It also provides a communication channel for parents and teachers, enabling greater collaboration and hopefully enhanced learning outcomes for the students.
General Instructions
Parents and guardians can access SEQTA Engage to check the important notices from school, student’s timetables, assessment results etc. To login to SEQTA Engage, you must first create an
account via a personalised link sent by the school. Contact the School Office if you have not received your activation email.
How to access Academic Reports
Academic Reports for Primary and Secondary students will be available to the parents and guardians at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. They are available from SEQTA Engage. If you wish to have a printed copy, please contact the School Office.
Having a problem?
Please do not hesitate to contact the School Office if you need your activation email, any issues with SEQTA Engage or wish to request a printed copy of the academic reports.
Call: 08 9342 7377